The Path of Sacral Art
A second joint activity attains to create a cross – border itinerary entitled The Path of Sacral Art involving the evaluation of sacral art monuments and architecture incorporated mostly in rural cultural landscape.
Special emphasis will be laid on rich inheritance of Istrian medieval frescoes that still today attract many visitors and cultural workers.
Experts in charged of scientific evaluation will select particular frescoes in order to elaborate and gather obtained information so as to create a cross – border itinerary. The Slovene frescoes in Hrastovlje, Koper, Koštabona, Pomjan and Zanigrad will be studied, as well as the Croatian frescoes in Beram, Bačva, Bale, Barban, Draguć, Dvigrad, Kanfanar, Lindar, Oprtalj, Pazin, Peroj, Rakotule, Svetininčenat, St. Lovreć, Vižinada and Žminj.